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Here are 20 completely random facts about me and my life. Hopefully it will help you get to know me that little bit more, enjoy!


1. I was born in August 1994 which makes me 22

*sings Taylor Swift in head*

2. The last time I could stand which is 2 years ago I was 5'3" soooo I'm probably 5'3"?

3. I hate my real first name "Bethan" but I love "Beth"

4. I have 3 younger sisters, one's fifteen and the twins are thirteen (teenagers = not fun)

5. I cannot say NO - even though I wish I could!

6. My biggest fear is rejection.

7. I'm literally scared of paper and my worst nightmare is touching paper/cardboard/hard towels with wet hands!

8. I watch the Kardashians on repeat. Literally. I'll watch season 1-13 and the spinoffs in between and then repeat...

9. I can't sleep without TV.

10. I can play guitar and piano but I taught myself - although I had lessons when I was younger I pretty much forgot everything after brain surgery.

11. I had brain surgery in Australia after fundraising!

12. My boyfriend is the best. No, seriously.

13. I've learned that when you get older, the amount of friends you have decreases A LOT.

14. My memory gets worse everyday.

15. Since my illness, I have to either not drink alcohol at all or drink till I can't remember my name - otherwise I get tingles in my back which is the worst thing ever.

16. I have two little Yorkshire Terrier dogs, Lucy and Lola!

17. I can't wait to have kids and I love my nephews very much.

18. I HATE ketchup... But I'll eat it if it's from McDonalds or KFC! Otherwise I literally gag if I see it on a plate or being eaten at home. So weird I know but VOM.

19. I swear waaaay too much.

20. If I had to describe myself in three words they would be: impatient, impulsive and indecisive. Oh God don't I just sound like a fun person... Oops!

T H A N K S   F O R    R E A D I N G

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