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Dealing with new symptoms

We had an absolute great success in the Fun Day at the Valley Hotel on Saturday the 27th September, the weather was on our side, we had a fantastic turn out and everything was just perfect. George North’s boots went for £850 on the auction too! We raised in total a massive £7,623 and we still have some more to come from unpaid auction items so far. Bloody brilliant!

On the fun day night around 12pm I started to have a tingling sensation in my hands and feet and suddenly just started feeling really crap so had to go home. I was awake aaaall night as the pain slowly moved up from my hands all up my forearm and up from my feet all the way to my knees. I literally NEVER wake up before lunchtime because of my extreme fatigue but on Sunday morning I was up at 8am crying my eyes out in pain! I can’t even describe how bad it was, it was like muscle pain times 10000! Like a throbbing pain right in the middle of my arm trying to push outwards through my skin?? Really hard to describe but literally was so so so painful. Nothing was getting rid of it – not even my morphine dose – so I went to the shower for an hour lying down with the pressure of the shower on my legs and arms. It sort of calmed down after that when the morphine finally kicked in but I’ve literally been on morphine ever since – and I only usually take it when it’s required but I’ve been taking it with all my other meds 4 times a day.

Yesterday (Monday) was ok, I ran out of meds so had to get another prescription and I phoned Dr Rhys Davies’ secretary in Bangor YG to tell her about these pains – but she said he’s in Walton so there’s nothing she can do until Thursday morning unless I went to my GP who would just refer me back to

Ambulatory Care and then they’d admit me etc. (which I really didn’t fancy doing) and I’m seeing him Thursday 9am anyway so there wasn’t much point.

Morphine and the rest of my pain meds are keeping the pain at minimum but it’s still bloody painful. Have really horrible neck and upper back pain today too – last time I felt like this Dr Petty told me I’d sprained my trapeze muscle in my back, so I might’ve done that again. Keeping my legs lubed with Traxam gel and my body full of strong meds and keeping a hot water bottle on my neck to try and get rid of this neck pain!

Have an Indian buffet night tonight at Nuha Tandoori in Holyhead street which I’m looking forward to, very nice of them to want to do this for me! might take my hot water bottle with me though…..

P.S. Massive thank you to my fellow Pineal sufferer who has had their removal operation and is now fully recovered, who has just donated another £500 yesterday to the fund, taking her total donation up to £1,000! Amazing! Thank you so much Cristyn Lonergan x

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