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It’s been ages guys! Sorry for no update but I’ve been so bloody ill these past few weeks, even over Christmas – sod’s law – and as the doctors predicted; I’m just getting worse and worse.

Here I am back in hospital, my fave place ever. Not. So here are some annoying things that happen in hospital

  • 5 days in and I’m not feeling any better, haven’t had a single piece of information on what’s happening or how they’re planning on treating me/relieving my symptoms a little. I have had Morphine though and that was bloody lovely! #highasakite but they took the IV out after 3 days and now I’m on Oramorph which isn’t hitting me as much and I’m back into a state of headaches and pressure, dizziness and lots of pain! Ooh, and I fell in the shower and hit my head yesterday. Ouch. (I was more embarrassed of the fact that I was lying face down completely naked on the floor with the door wide open for nurses and passing patients to see me. Oh hi guys

  • My memory is getting worse by the day. I’ve always been a bit blonde and forgetful but this is taking things to a whole new level! I know I’ve been drugged up a lot of the time but I’ve honestly forgotten who I’ve seen, what meds I’m taking, what I had or didn’t have for dinner earlier on, how I even got here! (Arwel reminded me that I got in by ambulance, awesome, I remember bits now). So that’s quite stressful. I don’t remember so many things, annoying little things like “what happened in the last episode of One Tree Hill that I watched?” and then I have to re-watch it

  • I have Parinaud Syndrome – I cannot bear light because of this. So they put me on the bed that’s RIGHT UNDER THE MASSIVE BIGGEST BRIGHEST SHINIEST LIGHT EVER! And it never goes off. Ever. Not til like 12am. No matter how many pairs of sunglasses I wear or how many times I hide under my star covered blankie, nobody cares bro, nobody cares.

  • I’m tired. We like to sleep all daaaay, and party sleep all night. Hardcore. I’m surprised I even know how to wake up lately! Oh wait I know why… Because these nurses – as lovely as they are – have to wake me up four thousand times a night to check my blood pressure. I’m fine guys, I’m just tired. ZzZzzZzZZzzzzz

  • Hospital food. We all know why.

  • ALARMS. Aaaaarghhhhhhh!!! Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beepbeepbeep. Beep. Beep. Ssshhh please

And just one more thing –

These nurses, doctors, health carers, ambulance crew – just everyone work sooo bloody hard to do what they do. So damn hard. I would never be able to do it! From having to check everyone’s blood pressure all the time – I know I said it’s annoying which of course it is when you’re sleeping at 4am but I totally appreciate that they’re just keeping an eye on us and it must be so frustrating and annoying for them on the other end having to deal with us all when we’re half asleep haha! – to taking blood, eeek! To helping wash people, taking them to the toilet and cleaning up after them, to doing surgery, to taking an Xray and then being able to read it and then fix what needs to be fixed – SO many things that they can do!

I am so so grateful to the NHS for helping take care of us all. I mean we all have annoyances and complaints and it’s hard to do so when we are so lucky to be able to have all these services for absolutely free, medicine, operations, care, everything. It’s amazing. I do think that this hospital is way understaffed and I think that they all work their arses off!! All of them have been bloody brilliant and lovely to me and everyone else I’m sure on this ward and in this hospital.

I had to have a rant of course otherwise it’d be boring! But I do have to take my hat off to the NHS and all their staff – and a big thank you to all who have and are helping me in the hospital over the past week

Oh and P.S. I’ve come to the conclusion – taking your blood pressure is much more painful than taking your bloods!

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